Treatise [7/2] "Pyramid of thoughts"
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Complete text and all illustrations for treatise [7/2] by Daniela Giordano and Jan Pajak, "Pyramid of thoughts" (Copyright 2000, ISBN 0-9583727-1-3)


(1) In order to download to your computer text of any of volumes listed below, or in order to see/download any illustraction, just click on underlined description chosen from the list below!
(2) Note that in order to neutralize effects of the continuous sabotage of monograph [7/2e] by evil parasites from UFOs, monograph [7/2e] is also downloadable from several further web sites (look for Text [7/2e] in "Menu 4"). Thus if something refuses to download from this page, try to download it from another location.
(3) Almost all illustrations used in this monograph [7/2] are also used in monographs [1/4] and [1e]. Thus if here these come out unclear, they can also be seen in [1/4] or [1e].
(4) For further instructions see the end of this web page.

English version of [7/2]:

Part A: Text of the English language version of treatise [7/2e].

English treatise [7/2] discusses a device of our self-defence against invisible UFOnauts, which is called "telepathic pyramid". It represents a telepathic transmitter and receiver, with a build-in telekinetic battery, which supplies it into electricity. Thus this apparatus is simultaneously a telepathic transmitter and a free energy device. The extraordinary attribute of this device is that it was given to humanity via Daniela Giordano (i.e. a known Italian miss of beauty and film actress), by an anonymous ally of humanity from space. Unfortunately, UFOnauts who occupy our planet are intensely blocking the completion of this device on Earth.

The full version of English treatise [7/2e] consists of one volume downloadable from this section. Here it is:

Text [7/2] in ZIP from WORD.DOC format (Word XP)

LIST of illustrations and filenames for treatise [7/2] "Pyramnid of Thoughts" (in ZIP from WORD XP)

Text [7/2] in DOC format (Word XP)

LIST of illustrations and filenames for treatise [7/2] "Pyramnid of Thoughts" (in WORD.doc XP format)

Polish version of [7/2]:

Part B: Text of Polish version of treatise [7/2e] in WORD's (*.doc) format.

Text of [7/2p] in ZIP the WORD.doc format

Text of [7/2p] in the WORD format (*.doc)


Part C: Ilustrations for both versions of treatise [7/2] (i.e. for English and Polish), in formats *.gif or *.jpg.

[7/2] Rys. A1(a)[7/2] Rys. A1 (a): Przekroj przez magnokraft typu K3.
[7/2] Figure A1 (a): The Magnocraft type K3 cut-away view that shows the design and main features.
(This illustration is also used in [1/4] as Fig. A1 "a")
(Ta ilustracja jest też użyta w [1/4] jako Rys. A1 "a")

[7/2] Rys. A1(b)[7/2] Rys. A1 (b): Widok boczny magnokraftu typu K3.
[7/2] Figure A1 (b): A side view of the Magnocraft and UFO type K3.
(This illustration is also used in [1/4] as Fig. A1 "b")
(Ta ilustracja jest też użyta w [1/4] jako Rys. A1 "b")

[7/2] Rys. A1(c)[7/2] Rys. A1 (c): Wyglad kapsuly dwukomorowej jaka stanowi serce pednika magnokraftu i UFO.
[7/2] Figure A1 (c): The twin-chamber capsule used as the propulsion system for the Magnocraft and UFOs.
(This illustration is also used in [1/4] as Fig. A1 "c")
(Ta ilustracja jest też użyta w [1/4] jako Rys. A1 "c")

[7/2] Rys. A2/#1[7/2] Rys. A2-#1: Cygaroksztaltny latajacy kompleks UFO i magnokraftow.
[7/2] Figure A2-#1: Flying complexes (cigar shaped)of UFOs and Magnocraft.
(This illustration is also used in [1/4] as Fig. F6/#1)
(Ta ilustracja jest też użyta w [1/4] jako Rys. F6/#1)

[7/2] Rys. A2/#2[7/2] Rys. A2-#2: Semi-zespolona konfiguracja UFO i magnokraftow.
[7/2] Figure A2-#2: Semi-attached configuration.
(This illustration is also used in [1/4] as Fig. F6/#2)
(Ta ilustracja jest też użyta w [1/4] jako Rys. F6/#2)

[7/2] Rys. A2/#3[7/2] Rys. A2-#3: Niezespolona konfiguracja UFO i magnokraftow.
[7/2] Figure A2-#3: Detached configuration.
(This illustration is also used in [1/4] as Fig. F6/#3)
(Ta ilustracja jest też użyta w [1/4] jako Rys. F6/#3)

[7/2] Rys. A2/#4[7/2] Rys. A2-#4: Platforma nosna (statek matka).
[7/2] Figure A2-#4: A carrier platform (a mother ship).
(This illustration is also used in [1/4] as Fig. F6/#4)
(Ta ilustracja jest też użyta w [1/4] jako Rys. F6/#4)

[7/2] Rys. A2/#5[7/2] Rys. A2-#5: Latajacy system UFO i magnokraftow.
[7/2] Figure A2-#5: A flying system of UFOs and Magnocraft.
(This illustration is also used in [1/4] as Fig. F6/#5)
(Ta ilustracja jest też użyta w [1/4] jako Rys. F6/#5)

[7/2] Rys. A2/#6[7/2] Rys. A2-#6: Latajacy kluster sprzegany z szeregu UFO lub magnokraftow.
[7/2] Figure A2-#6: A flying cluster of several UFOs and Magnocraft.
(This illustration is also used in [1/4] as Fig. F6/#6)
(Ta ilustracja jest też użyta w [1/4] jako Rys. F6/#6)

[7/2] Rys. A3 (gora)[7/2] Rys. A3 (gora): Ksztalty ladowisk w trawie wypalanych przez pojedyncze UFO lub magnokrafty zaleznie od wysokosci zawisania.
[7/2] Figure A3 (top): Shapes of scorched marks left in grass by a single Magnocraft Magnocraft/UFO, depending on the height of hovering above the ground level.
(This illustration is also used in [1/4] as Fig. F33)
(Ta ilustracja jest też użyta w [1/4] jako Rys. F33)

[7/2] Rys. A3 (dol - lewo)[7/2] Rys. A3 (dol-lewo): Fotografia ladowiska UFO typu K3 zlozonego z dwoch koncentrycznych okregow.
[7/2] Figure A3 (low-left): A photo of a UFO landing composed of two concentric rings.
(This illustration is also used in [1/4] as Fig. O1 "a")
(Ta ilustracja jest też użyta w [1/4] jako Rys. O1 "a")

[7/2] Rys. A3 (dol - centrum)[7/2] Rys. A3 (dol-centrum): Ladowsko UFO zlozone z jednego okregu i centralnego wypalenia.
[7/2] Figure A3 (low-centre): A UFO landing composed of one ring and a central scorching.
(This illustration is also used in [1/4] as Fig. O1 "b")
(Ta ilustracja jest też użyta w [1/4] jako Rys. O1 "b")

[7/2] Rys. A2 (dol - prawo)[7/2] Rys. A3 (dol-prawo): Podwojny okrag formowany na obrzezu UFO.
[7/2] Figure A3 (low-right): A Double rings formed on sides of landed UFOs.
(This illustration is also used in [1/4] as Fig. O1 "c")
(Ta ilustracja jest też użyta w [1/4] jako Rys. O1 "c")

[7/2] Rys. A4 (gora)[7/2] Rys. A4 (gora): Wschodnia krawedz krateru Tapanui gdzie eksplodowalo UFO.
[7/2] Figure A4 (top): An eastern section of the Tapanui Crater where UFOs exploded in 1178 AD.
(This illustration is also used in [1/4] as Fig. O4)
(Ta ilustracja jest też użyta w [1/4] jako Rys. O4)

[7/2] Rys. A4 (dol)[7/2] Rys. A4 (dol): Podobienstwa pomiedzy miejscem eksplozji UFO w Tunguskiej i Tapanui.
[7/2] Figure A4 (low): Similarities between Tungusha and Tapanui UFO explosion sites.
(This illustration is also used in [1/4] as Fig. O5)
(Ta ilustracja jest też użyta w [1/4] jako Rys. O5)

[7/2] Rys. A5/#1[7/2] Rys. A5-#1: Tunel wytopiony w skale przez UFO lecace w kierunku wschod-zachod.
[7/2] Figure A5-#1: The tunnel Morona-Santiago in Equador also evaporated by a UFO.
(This illustration is also used in [1/4] as Fig. O6 "a")
(Ta ilustracja jest też użyta w [1/4] jako Rys. O6 "a")

[7/2] Rys. A5/#2[7/2] Rys. A5-#2: Jaskinia Cocklebiddy Cave w Poludniowej Australii, jaka jest jednym z tuneli odparowanych w skale przez UFO lecace w kierunku polnoc-poludnie.
[7/2] Figure A5-#2: The Cocklebiddy Cave in Australia evaporated by UFOs.
(This illustration is also used in [1/4] as Fig. O6 "b")
(Ta ilustracja jest też użyta w [1/4] jako Rys. O6 "b")

[7/2] Rys. A5/#3[7/2] Rys. A5-#3: Jaskinia Deer Cave z Polnocnego Borneo, jaka jest przelotowym tunelem wytopionym na wskros ogromnej gory przez cygaro dwoch UFO typu K8 lecace z poludnia na polnoc.
[7/2] Figure A5-#3: The Deer Cave in Borneo evaporated in rocks by two UFOs type K8.
(This illustration is also used in [1/4] as Fig. O6 "d")
(Ta ilustracja jest też użyta w [1/4] jako Rys. O6 "d")

[7/2] Rys. A5/#4[7/2] Rys. A5-#4: Ilustracja zasady wypalania podziemnych tuneli przez UFO.
[7/2] Figure A5-#4: The illustration of pinciples of forming underground tunnels by UFOs.
(This illustration is also used in [1/4] as Fig. F31)
(Ta ilustracja jest też użyta w [1/4] jako Rys. F31)

[7/2] Rys. B1[7/2] Rys. B1: Odcisk ludzkiego buta liczacy okolo 550 milionow lat.
[7/2] Figure B1: The imprint of a human shoe that is already around 550 millin years old. This imprint was made when life on Earth was just planted.
(This illustration is also used in [1/4] as Fig. P31)
(Ta ilustracja jest też użyta w [1/4] jako Rys. P31)

[7/2] Rys. B2[7/2] Rys. B2: Dwa wehikuly UFO nadzorujace ukrzyzowanie Jezusa.
[7/2] Figure B2: Two UFO vehicles which supervised the crucifixion of Jesus. Note that in the lower enlargements of these vehicles, faces of aliens can be clearly distinguished. These faces show that the evil parasites who occupy our planet are actully relatives of humans.
(This illustration is also used in [1/4] as Fig. O7)
(Ta ilustracja jest też użyta w [1/4] jako Rys. O7)

[7/2] Rys. C1[7/2] Rys. C1: Mala biala istotka z anonimowej cywilizacji totaliztycznej jaka podarowala nam piramide telepatyczna.
[7/2] Figure C1: A small wite being from anonymous totaliztic civilisation, which handed the gift for humanity in the form of the telepathic pyramid.
(This illustration is also used in [1/4] as Fig. JF1)
(Ta ilustracja jest też użyta w [1/4] jako Rys. JF1)

[7/2] Rys. C2 - gora[7/2] Rys. C2 - gora: Ja (Dr Jan Pajak) trzymajacy prototyp piramidy telepatycznej.
[7/2] Figure C2-TOP: Dr Jan Pajak holding in hands a prototype of the telepathic pyramid.
(This illustration is also used in [1/4] as Fig. N1 "up")
(Ta ilustracja jest też użyta w [1/4] jako Rys. N1 "gora")

[7/2] Rys. C2- dol[7/2] Rys. C2 - dol: Wyglad wnetrza prototypu piramidy telepatycznej.
[7/2] Figure C2-DOWN: A photograph that illustrates the interior of the telepathic pyramid.
(This illustration is also used in [1/4] as Fig. N1 "down")
(Ta ilustracja jest też użyta w [1/4] jako Rys. N1 "dół")

[7/2] Rys. C3[7/2] Rys. C3: Rysunek budowy i podzespolow piramidy telepatycznej.
[7/2] Figure C3: The design and components of the telepathic pyramid.
(This illustration is also used in [1/4] as Fig. N2)
(Ta ilustracja jest też użyta w [1/4] jako Rys. N2)

[7/2] Rys. D1[7/2] Rys. D1: Szkic polaczen elektrycznych piramidy telepatycznej.
[7/2] Figure D1: A diagram which illustrates the electrical circuitry of the telepathic pyramid.
(This illustration is also used in [1/4] as Fig. N3)
(Ta ilustracja jest też użyta w [1/4] jako Rys. N3)

[7/2] Rys. D2[7/2] Rys. D2: Urzadzenie ujawniajace do wykrywania niewidzialnych UFO.
[7/2] Figure D2: A revealing device which is capable to show outlines of UFOs that are normally invisible for human eyes.
(This illustration is also used in [1/4] as Fig. N4)
(Ta ilustracja jest też użyta w [1/4] jako Rys. N4)

[7/2] Mrs Daniela Giordano[7/2] Wspolautorka tego traktatu - Pani Daniela Giordano
[7/2] The first coauthor: Photograph of Mrs. Daniela Giordano - coauthor of this treatise [7_2].

[7/2] Dr Jan Pajak[7/2]: Jan Pajak - drugi ze wspolautorow tego traktatu
[7/2] The second coauthor: Photograph of Dr Jan Pajak - coauthor of this treatise [7_2].
(This illustration is also used in [1/4])
(Ta ilustracja jest też użyta w [1/4])


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Have interesting reading about this interstellar gift for humanity from friendly totaliztic civilisation from stars. Note that if this device is actually build on Earth (in spite of efforts of UFOnauts to prevent its building), the extend of improvements to our lives that this device is to introduce, is so enormous that it is impossible to even imagine.

Date of starting this page: 2001.
Date of the most recent update of this web page: 1 January 2006.
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